William CarlosWilliams ⋅ « To a Solitary Disciple » ⋅ Al Que Quiere !
Rather notice, mon cher, that the moon is tilted above the point of the steeple than that its color is shell-pink. Rather observe that it is early morning than that the sky is smooth as a turquoise. Rather grasp how the dark converging lines of the steeple meet at the pinnacle— perceive how its little ornament tries to stop them— See how it fails ! See how the converging lines of the hexagonal spire escape upward— receding, dividing ! —sepals that guard and contain the flower ! Observe how motionless the eaten moon lies in the protecting lines. It is true : in the…
William CarlosWilliams ⋅ Spring and All
Why should I go further than I am able ? Is it not enough for you that I am perfect ? William Carlos Williams Spring and All 18 Contact Publishing 1923 68 0…