TongoEisen-Martin ⋅ « Collateral White Skin » ⋅ Waiting Behind Tornados For Food
A slave owner is not someone who does not pay people for their work, as much as someone who will maim or kill people if they do not work (let alone, yet especially, revolt). And this equation continues into this modern era with hyper militarization of police, mass internment of Brown and Black people, permanent imperialist invasions around the world, and masses who practice whiteness (as it was designed by past U.S. ruling classes), not as a privilege, but rather a deputization. Tongo Eisen-Martin Collateral White Skin Waiting Behind Tornados For Food Materials 2020 14 https://material‑s.blogspot.com/2020/12/tongo-eisen-martin-waiting-behind.html…
TongoEisen-Martin ⋅ « But Rooftops Did All the Work » ⋅ Heaven is all goodbyes
You look like an occasionally violent man not in charge of an altar not in charge of an important altar, anyway not one that is about fancy deities just a plain neighborhood for the dead please give me spare change and your word that I won’t be missing in a year – as is the custom, two humans make a humanity Tongo Eisen-Martin But Rooftops Did All the Work Heaven is all goodbyes City lights 2017 114–115…
TongoEisen-Martin ⋅ « Collateral White Skin » ⋅ Waiting Behind Tornados For Food
We garden praxis with critical conversation and vigilant (though ideally gentle) upkeep of detail and nuance. In that biosphere of phenomenal engagement, we nurture, restore or postpone our humanity. Tongo Eisen-Martin Collateral White Skin Waiting Behind Tornados For Food Materials 2020 15 https://material‑s.blogspot.com/2020/12/tongo-eisen-martin-waiting-behind.html…
TongoEisen-Martin ⋅ « Faceless » ⋅ Heaven is all goodbyes
My dear, if it is not a city, it is a prison. If it has a prison, it is a prison. Not a city. Tongo Eisen-Martin Faceless Heaven is all goodbyes City lights 2017 10…