04 01 21

A slave owner is not someone who does not pay people for their work, as much as someone who will maim or kill people if they do not work (let alone, yet espe­cial­ly, revolt). And this equa­tion conti­nues into this modern era with hyper mili­ta­ri­za­tion of police, mass inter­n­ment of Brown and Black people, per­ma­nent impe­ria­list inva­sions around the world, and masses who prac­tice whi­te­ness (as it was desi­gned by past U.S. ruling classes), not as a pri­vi­lege, but rather a depu­ti­za­tion.

« Collateral White Skin »
Waiting Behind Tornados For Food
Materials 2020
p. 14
lien blanc blanchité députation député esclavage essai militarisation noir POC poésie américaine police privilège travail