AnneBoyer ⋅ « Erotology III : Categories of Desires for Faces » ⋅ A handbook of disappointed fate
Consider the category of desire that is the desire to make a stony expression break. Think of those humans who are attractive for the primary reason of how the presentation of their face and body is impenetrable or brooding or fierce or impassive with brooding fierceness. This category of desire is simple, slightly mechanistic : to penetrate the brooding, fierce, impassive, impenetrable presentation. There are several ways to make a stony expression break. These include to enrage, to surprise, to humiliate, to sadden, and to give pleasure. The experts at impassive expression, however, are not so vulnerable to sadness, rage, or…
AnneBoyer ⋅ « The harm » ⋅ A handbook of disappointed fate
The harm will come : it never doesn’t. It will open up our chests and enter here. Some days it will come by fortune, some days by no agent in particular, and sometimes others will bring it to us, either willfully or on accident. Those others might trip, the harm spilling out of their arms onto us. We might all look at each other startled. We might all have the harm then and eyes full of tears. The others might take one look at us or many looks at us and decide we deserve the harm. We will look back at…
AnneBoyer ⋅ « The season of Cartesian weeping » ⋅ A handbook of disappointed fate
The tears are automatic. They drip down the cheeks, dampen books, keyboards, dinner plates, postcards, steering wheels. I don’t weep from sorrow. I weep as a symptom. I don’t want to cry, but I do because of a medicine. It is as if my body weeps on its own behalf. My body has reason to weep – more reason than I do – but there are times I join my tears in their crying, adding to the tears of side effet the tears of cause. Disease has bullied me into Cartesianism, but the mixed tears undo division through liquification. Can…
AnneBoyer ⋅ « Ce qui y ressemble mais n’est pas la tombe »
Tu tombes dans un trou, et tu dis « ouais non c’est pas ma tombe, je me tire de ce trou », tu sors du trou qui n’est pas la tombe, tu tombes de nouveau dans un trou, et tu dis « ouais non c’est toujours pas ma tombe, je me tire de ce trou », tu tombes dans un autre trou ; des fois tu tombes dans un trou à l’intérieur même d’un trou, ou dans plusieurs trous à l’intérieur de trous, et tu sors de l’un puis l’autre, et puis tu retombes et tu dis « c’est pas ma tombe, je me tire de…
AnneBoyer ⋅ « When the lambs rise up » ⋅ A handbook of disappointed fate
the stupid logic of dinner We were not innocent. Our education was authored by our senses. Our lambness was written into our bodies with the violence of the world as it is, yet our interest in understanding the lamb’s education, in the lamb’s way of knowing, began to take the form of the bird of prey’s pursuit. We were at once formed by grudge and narrowed by desire. In everything we wanted, all we acquired, and in how we could not want, how we could acquire nothing, we were simultaneously lamb and bird of prey. Our mixed nature was not…
AnneBoyer ⋅ « The innocent question » ⋅ Garments against women
Some people believe to know the fin is to know a shark, but this is an incorrect belief. The fin is not a fin of a shark at all though it is a reproduction shark fin strapped on a boy’s back, and the boy with the reproduction fin does very much want to be a shark, wishes it a great deal, dreams some nights of being a shark in a great fleet of sharks in some unexplored sea where sharks are in fleets and somewhat even more powerful that the sharks of the daytime world have shark banks full of…
AnneBoyer ⋅ « The innocent question » ⋅ Garments against women
Other things that cause discomfort : people picking through the trash for their food. There are those who want “only the best” and those who believe only-the-best is immoral. I would talk about these two impulses, one for comfort, the other for justice, and how one appears animal, the other not that animal at all, for what dog says of her litter, “It is not only my own that should have my milk, but I will suckle the world”? I would like to meet that dog. I am the dog who can never be happy because I am imagining the unhappiness…