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As Baruch said accur­sed, never­mind blest –
Since men would rather ima­gine than unders­tand
And chance is imper­fect know­ledge
And body exists as we feel it
And essence is that remove, that degree,
without which a thing is no thing
(Defined is defi­ned)
And nothing hap­pens in the body
That is not per­cei­ved by the mind
The mind also conceives by its power –
A contents that is as in the song « sweet content. »
Since no one cares about any­thing he does not love
And love is plea­sure that dwells on its cause
He who loves keeps what he loves :
An image inwrea­thed with many things
That may flou­rish, that draws cause
To light up.
If the unders­tan­ding per­ceives the idea of quan­ti­ty as cause
It deter­mines the quan­ti­ty
So to speak from motion
(A line from motion of a point,
A body from motion of a plane)
Yet these are not unders­tood
Unless quan­ti­ty is per­cei­ved
And the motion be made to endure
Which could not be
Without a thought
Of infi­nite quan­ti­ty.

« A12 »
« A »
University of California Press 1978
p. 174–175