Some old lines and some new ones thrown onto each other for the town hall affair
The title of this episode is a new approach : All women are lesbians except those who don’t know it naturally they are but don’t know it yet I am a woman who is a lesbian because I am a woman and a woman who loves herself naturally who is other women is a lesbian a woman who loves women loves herself naturally this is the case that a woman is herself is all woman is a natural born lesbian so we don’t mind using the name like any name it is quite meaningless it means naturally I am a woman and whatever I am we are we affirm being what we are the way of course all men are homosexuals being having a more sense of their homo their homo-ness their ecce homo-ness their ecce prince & lord & master-ness the 350 years of Abraham intersample Abraham lived for 350 years because the Bible ages are only a succession of sons and fathers and grandfathers intensely identifying with their ancestors their son so identified naturely with the father that he believed he was the father and of course he was as was Abraham and Isaac and Jacob and Esau and Reuben and Simeon and Levi and Judah and Joseph each one lived for 350 years, but who are the daughters of Rachel and Ruth and Sarah and Rebekah the rest we do not know the daughters never had any daughters they had only sons who begat more sons and sons so we have very little sense, from that particular book, of the lineage and ligaments and legacies and identities of mothers and daughters and their daughters and their mothers and mothers and daughters and sisters who were naturally not lesbians if they had nothing of each other save sons so now we must say Verily Verily, I say unto thee, except a woman be born again she cannot see the Kingdom of Goddess a woman must be born again to be herself her own eminence and grace the queen queen-self whose mother has pressed upon her mouth innumerable passionate kisses so sigh us…. There is in every perfect love / A law to be accomplished too : that the lover should resemble / The belov’d : And be the same. And the greater is the likeness / Brighter will the rapture flame — even as John there St. John of the Cross raptured on his pal Jesus whose son he was his father his son as when Jesus in another time said to his lovers and haven’t you heard it a deluge of times And he saith unto them, Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men. And straightway they left their nets, and followed him. Ah lover and perfect equal ! I meant that you should discover me so, by my faint indirection ; And I, when I meet you, mean to discover you by the like in you… I want she who is the tomboy in me… I want she who is very female in me… I want she who is British about me… I want she who is ugly American about me… I want she who is mayonnaise about me… I want she who is the cunt and the balls and the breasts of me and the long straight browny hair and the gangly boarding school adolescent in a navy blue blazer and gold buttons of me… « narcissme, qui consiste à se choisir soi-meme comme objet erotique… » and I want the men to carry my boxes of books for me and carry me upsy daily pigback and pay for me everywhere and adore me as a lesberated woman… Over the inevitable we shall not grieve… This is the body that Jill built… Ecce Leda the Lesbian… Ecce Greta the Gay the gay Gertrude the gay gay gayness of being gay, of being, to be equal we have to become who we really are and women we will never be equal women until we love one another women and say Woe, and behold, a voice from Hera saying This is my beloved daughter in whom I am well pleased O Women of America the World you are your own best friend, your own closest friend, you are the best company for yourself… you should go through and study even right back to your childhood, and of course if you have the great ability to go back to your previous lives you should do so Women of America the World you are your own best friend… These are the series of sayings we are saving the world with : the lamentations of Mary and Marilyn Monroe. Lord help you, Maria, full of grease, the load is with me ! Her smile is between her legs and her mustache is in her armpit and she ordered that history should begin with her with her this is a muster of elephental cunstequence the lost and foundamental situation of the feminine is the primordial relation of identity between mother and daughter the mysteries of Eleusis of the reunion of Demeter and her daughter Persephone to be born again and again and Arethusa and Artemis and Hebe and Hera and Diana and Daphne and Doris and Dora and Dolly and the Danaides all but one murdered their husbands on their wedding nights our case revives their stories for more than a hundred years I wander about in it without coming to the end of her body the most we can do is to dream the myth onwards, and rewrite the stories we will reunite Electra and her mother Clytemnestra and Jocasta will be well pleased in her daughter Antigone who will be more involved in her mothers and her daughters than in the proper burial for her brother and we will remember the histories of say how Eleanor of Aquitaine made a crusade to the holy land and dressed all her ladies in waiting as Amazons in leopard skins and dressed herself as Pan Athenea and that’s how they rode through Greece for the queendom of heaven is as a woman traveling into a far country who called her own servants and delivered unto them her goods for Whole the World to see a woman finds pleasure in caressing a body whose secrets she knows, her own body giving her the clue to its preferences giving each the other their sense of self tracing the body of the woman whose fingers in turn trace her body that the miracle of the mirror be accomplished between women love is contemplative caresses are intended less to gain possession of the other than gradually to recreate the self thru her own self among the women and the women the multitude on the way to the way the world was before it began it is now the world is heading definitely toward a matriarchy more often to return to the source of things we must travel in the opposite direction, Wring out the clothes ! Wring in the dew ! Before all the king’s Hoarsers with all the Queens Mum Her birth is uncontrollable and her organ is working perfectly and there’s a part that’s not screwed on and her education is now for by and about women and presided over by woman All women are lesbians except those who don’t know it of course since whereas both sexes (even as Sigmund sd) are originally more attached to the mother and it is the task of the girl to transfer this attachment to the father naturally they we are but don’t know it yet that woman is now approaching her ancient destiny as woman I am and therefore lesbian which means nothing we could say it over and over again over lesbianlesbianlesbianlesbianlesbianlesbianlesbianlesbianlesbian — Special from the White House, the President of the United States announced last night the appointment of a lesbian to his cabinet… it’s nice if you can invite them in, they usually come in without knocking… Womens lib and let lib new official position on lesbians : Hey ladies it’s okay, like Red China is there so we might as well recognize it… yupyop… Liberal Schmiberal… Maybe… uh… we should invite… uh… her… uh… one of them to dinner… One of what, dear ? Uh, well, uh, she is a bit odd isn’t she ? I mean, you know how we’d feel if a black man was interested in our daughter — Aaaaaaaaaaaaa…. Oh god, and she might make a pass at my wife… Agh… But if she just doesn’t talk about what she is… We could pretend… Whaddyou say to the naked lady please please sorry thank you we are getting to the bottom of women’s lib we are going down on women’s lib I am beside myself with love for you when you are beside me my love the beginning of the unifirst is rite now if all thinks are at this momentum being cremated and the end of the unihearse is right now for all thinks are at this momentus passing away we went to see the Dairy of a Skinzopretty girl O why dint her mother straighten out her teeth when she was young O she is envolved in many strange and wondrous adventures O in short she had come into that abnormal condition known as elation O she did not yet love and she loved to love ; she sought what she might love, in love with loving… O what can she say now that is not the story of so many others O do not fail me she says you are my last chance, indeed our last chance, to save the West… and who vants the Moon ven ve can land on Venus… and O how would you like to be the heroine of yr own life story (she’s looking forward to it extremely) and O don’t be nervous be mermaid be she whom I love who travels with me and sits along while holding me by the hand she ahold of my hand has completely satisfied me o natural woman woman vimmin virmin woreman woeman of America the World until until women all the women see in each other the possibility of a primal commitment which includes sexual love they will be denying themselves the love and value they have readily accorded to men, thus affirming their second class status for within the heterosexual institution no woman can be the equal it is a contradiction in terms the heterosexual institution is a male institution a homo ecce homo institution and you can’t ever change the absoluteness the institution is political is built out of the institutionalized slavery of women so it is a contradiction in terms — such an institution must only collapse of its own accord from within the heterosexual institution is over spiritually over and the new thing now that is happening is the withdrawal of women to give each other their own sense of self a new sense of self until women see in each other the possibility of a primal commitment which includes sexual love they will be denying themselves the love and value they readily accord to men thus affirming their second class status. Until all women are lesbians there will be no true political revolution until in other same words we are woman I am a woman who loves herself naturally who is other women is a lesbian a woman who loves women loves herself naturally this is the case that a woman is herself is all woman is a natural born lesbian so we don’t mind using the name it means naturely I am a woman and whatever I am we are we affirm being what we are saying therefore Until all women are lesbians there will be no true political revolution meaning the terminus of the heterosexual institution through the recollection by woman of her womanhood her own grace and eminence by the intense identities of our ancestors our descendants of the mothers and the daughters and the grandmothers we become who we are which is to say we become our own identities and autonomies even as now we are so but except those who don’t know it yet will be quite upset about it for some time to come as I would more properly be as majorities would have it leaning on my sword describing my defeat some women want to have their cock and eat it too and lesbian is a label invented by anybody to throw at any woman who dares to be a man’s equal and lesbian is a good name it means nothing of course or everything so we don’t mind using the name in face we like it for we can be proud to claim allusion to the island made famous by Sappho the birds are talking to us in Greek again and continue on making a big thing out of it over all these centuries time we can do that we don’t mind it’s nice in fact for we all all of us women are lesbians why not and isn’t it wonderful what a lot of devotion there is to us lying around the universe especially to those all envolved in some penis they’re wrapping their cunts around…. Oh well… Lillian over and out… he sd I want your body and she sd you can have it when I’m through with it… Keep yer hands off me you worldwide weirdo, I just want to be noticed, not attacked — we had a big argonaut about it… The age of shrivelry is abonus again… A Lord was not considered defeated in a local war until his flag had fallen from the main tower of his castle… svastickles falling outen da sky… the current dispute would be settled if the central figure was no longer present (at this moment our leader Norman Mailer akst me to read my last line and I said I’d like to forgo the question and my friends appeared on stage and I made love before notables and my circuitry got overloaded and the men in the audience voted they dint want to hear me no more and I don’t remember too much except leaving and wishing later I’d kissed Germaine before we walked off)… Flash from the White House : last night the President of the United States, clad only in a scanty tribal costume, announced the resignation of the American Government… His life was an empty record of gambling cockfighting titting balls and masques vimmin and vine clothes… Better latent than never… aliquem alium interum… there’s no such thing as sexual differentiation in the spiritual nature of wo(man)… This is the problem passion play of the millentury… O this Restoration Comedy — it’s going to be a beautiful reunion… plunderpussy and all spoiled goods going into her nabsack and some heroine women in wings of Samothrace… Is it to drown her passengers that you have bored a hole in her ? Rubbish, what bunkum these people talk… Events are preshipitaking themselves in the harpiest confusion… cunnilinguist… Listen. If you recognized an aspect of yourself that you love in these ancient new womens heads I too have recognized an admirable aspect of myself in your willingness to be as beautiful as you are who you are My mother was a vestal, my father I knew not no prince nor lord nor master-ness but the nipples and navels of the whirld a wonderwoman the mothers and the daughters and the great grandmothers and daughters of Rachel and Ruth and Sarah and Rebekah the rest we will know now the daughter the mothers and sisters will have daughters who beget daughters so we will more sense, from this time, of the lineage and ligaments and legacies and identities of our mothers and daughters and their mothers and mothers and daughters and sisters who are naturally of course lesbians if they have of each other and saying Verily Verily except a woman must be born again she cannot see the Queendom of Goddess a woman must be born again to be herself her own eminence and grace the queen queenself whose mother has pressed upon her mouth innumerable passionate kisses… Sail away where the wind blows sweet… and take a sister by her hand… Lead her far from this barren land…