23 08 14

Pity vie


Pity vie has been desi­gned for the walls of the big fucke­dup­pe­ria of Language after http://fundraiser.pitivi.org/blog/2014/02/26/using-gstreamer-make-smooth-slow-motion and a gene­ral impres­sion of some sel­fin­dul­gent modern­poe­try from the United States pf America. In a train to Marseille, Sam Langer modi­fied it while I was slee­ping, and since I couldn’t spot his inter­ven­tions after­wards, he deserves his share of author­chips.


The fucke­dup­pe­ria of Language (OH)

Romance, amour, smog
par­ticle pol­lu­tion
present :
major health hazards.

Young chil­dren, who have deve­lo­ped
Often hold my arm in my sleep
and call their money back.

are impor­tant
to be skill­full with
and consu­mers should keep in mind
my typi­cal steak mari­nade
that I crea­ted.

To argue black is white
fits you
you shall depend a lot on time
going shop­ping.

Temptation has no limits howe­ver
now, as a tea­cher I have
offline aggre­ga­tors.

The ans­wer is « yes »
to any ques­tion regar­ding
boun­da­ries, bor­ders
are a pen shar­pe­ner.

Good qua­li­ty flat­ware
and you get to leave out the ô hum
boring spots of exal­ta­tion but, in fact : this one, you know
known as sup­port they call it you know this
one, « sup­port », is pecu­liar­ly dis­loquent.

Having a walk, foul smel­ling spring and sun­lit graves
chil­ls in the parks
people wea­ring müt­zen, fringe epau­lets, sophis­ti­ca­ted ways
to hide both their balls and bel­lies
although there might be naked folks to be seen and joi­ned
somew­here, units of wild gym­nasts run­ning loose of their vest­ments
and by shop­pers” chance wal­kers
never fan­cy their shoes enough.

Do you know col­leagues from across cam­pus and beyond
who genui­ne­ly care about suc­cess
these annoying people you know
the same sen­ti­nel sun watches them
over, siehe oben
all the items I’ve just meant but but above all
don’t for­get my steak mari­nade.

Victims fai­led to catch Bin Laden
gave a refound to big phar­mas, shoes to wal­kers
loo­king for what they real­ly good at
Smith said
Clinton is real­ly good at it
he said
and I won­der
he said
how his whistle would blow in my mouth.

Since fami­ly may fail or die
get regu­lar walks in serious fashion
along the kanal in the shouts of locals
playing foot­ball unhi­bi­ted­ly
is an option, fast an alter­na­tive.

No flo­wers
pri­vate scat­te­ring of ashes at a later date
the easiest way to spot those coun­ter­feit
images is to wear shoes
and go for a walk in search of
and don’t try or dare
pick me.

Let me be clear :
I deli­ver rather weak per­for­mances regar­ding the stan­dards of built and consis­tant
things that say a lot about culture with visual clues signi­fying war, com­merce,
sen­si­tive objects desi­gned for run­ners” feet
these bas­tards
let’s send them any­thing we want to makeo­ver.

They’re so focu­sed on the end goal of get­ting what they want that they’re able
to be inti­ma­te­ly invol­ved in the crea­tion of sys­tems
in the big big big share
of affects
this superb laun­dry
Smith said
Is not the best bet on pan­do­ra charms.

I’ve become even more acu­te­ly aware of the impor­tance of posi­tive and time­ly ver­sing
the cli­ckers use
to make up their minds all over
I see them as as many poor wan­de­ring « Minsteries of Defence »
of Congo for ins­tance
selec­ted through a long pro­cess
of che­cking the bulk box.

Cutup is decadent
Smith said
and dis­res­pect­ful
he said
tel­ling people in the street about a disas­ter him­self
haras­sing intel­lec­tuals with torches in the night
wal­kers look for units !
he said
wal­kers look for units !
he said rather shou­ting.

Another big plus is no more wee­ding
it became a brand and a name, a com­pa­ny with employees and I assure you
that once your milk will have set­tled down, then the pum­ping works fine
and your balls are easy to car­ry around which make them ideal for
ille­gal gun­ning sup­por­ting ratio­nal wea­pon :
highest achie­ved mili­ta­ry rank.

Cheap barons : nobles in habits nobles, cas­ted to play
nobles nobly dres­sed, cas­ted
to be nobles nobly dres­sed, cas­ted
to be the noble cast, the par­ticles sprawl end­les­se­ly
cut­ting up is a typi­cal
thing Smith said
and decadent
my English friends
wouldn’t dare say my steak mari­nade
or nor what has hap­pe­ned
to Chinaman or to us for him not
to be men­tio­ned
that I crea­ted
by us but by him any­more ?

A ques­tion is :
who was out riding in April 1865
when a shot rang out
coming from somew­here and someone ?
ano­ther ques­tion is :
where were you last night ?
emer­gen­cy res­tau­rant
wha­te­ver we do here, trying to deter­mine where we slept last night
the impact is ten­fold, or a hun­dred­fold
got on, clim­bed up to
my typi­cal steak mari­nade
in com­pa­rai­son with people
being nobles nobly dres­sed
on their mounts care­ful­ly cas­ted
living for the thrill of get­ting shot in April

Literally or meta­pho­ri­cal­ly : I don’t like to tra­vel
we might have to tho
how do I begin to get things ahead ?
I can’t stop fee­ling so behind
where is balance
where is balan­ced
trap shut ape dead
the present tense of exis­tence, I like
but the past tense of memo­ries, I don’t.
so I make pun of it, fee­ling much bit­ter.

When he died
the second bear­ded pre­sident was des­cri­bed
bet­ween natu­ral com­mas
as a « bold » man, « wild » and « shag­gy »,
how will I ?

Wake up Africa
Don’t let moder­nists get your cows, your gems
Capabilities, models and mine­ral levels.

where to buy a gold watch, digi­tal watch, citi­zen watch, or a Swiss army watch, or even acces­so­ries like watches
rever­sing dia­betes natu­ral­ly
in its very tru­ly great man­ners and very
alle­go­ri­cal­ly, very real­ly
and tita­ni­cal­ly
never­the­less have you noti­ced
how many oppor­tu­ni­ties there is
for people wants to express
their inside baguette
get spec­ta­cu­lar with their balls
or mouth : the big game of the lower jaw
all this still in search for a look
for units
superb units there is
and it is not the inter­net
that has hea­led unplea­sant­ness.

Both sil­ver and gold
are shi­tre­sis­tant.