01 02 15

PAM452 – It’s warm. You can chill

It’s very very safe, not as spoo­ky as it used to be but still char­ming and pro­ba­bly more quiet than what you can hear on TV. It has a lot of lit­tle shops and bars.

To be honest, it is a mix of night­life, res­tau­rants and lit­tle shops. So you can shop in the mor­ning, enjoy a good meal out­side and rock it to the next mor­ning in one of our ille­gal base­ments. In fact you should try to shop in the mor­ning, it’s beau­ti­ful (I love lit­tle shops, I can give tips).

Most of the houses in the area are beau­ti­ful­ly reno­va­ted. There are some good squats. Besides, we have the best Korean BBQ place, best Italian, best Thai, beer Garden, German Currywurst Place, Tapas bar, best Sushi, Popup Dumpling, Mexican Tacos/Guacamole all in 5mins wal­king dis­tance. I can wave over to them from my bal­co­ny :-)

I love get­ting in touch with people for tips. So far, I always got good reports on my tips. Normally it’s just me and my girl­friend during the day. I’m very present, spe­cial­ly during the day, because I’m free­lance, but you can also smoke a ciga­rette with my girl­friend on the bal­co­ny.

Interaction always depends on the guest, but gene­ral­ly I love to give tips and am always open to enjoy a juice with the guest :) I think that in gene­ral my guests appre­ciate my tips but you can also orga­nize your stay the way you want, I’m only here during the day any­way so feel free :-)

There should always be some­thing of your taste, some have pro­blems though. don’t trust eve­ry­bo­dy, I can give tips. Also, the ping pong and bowls is just around the cor­ner. When you leave, don’t for­get to leave a review in the book.

Besides your guest room you can par­ti­ci­pate in using the ful­ly out­fit­ted eat-in kit­chen, the bathroom with sho­wer and bath­tub and the spa­cious living room. You should not hesi­tate to use them all but of course you can also just relax on the bal­co­ny. I’m only here during the day, most­ly wor­king on my thing with my girl­friend.

Here you can find dif­ferent kinds of art. It’s very very plu­ral. It can be weird at first how plu­ral, people even call it « lit­tle eve­ry­thing » ;-) Since I work from home, I am very flexible in time, so that you can actual­ly arrive at any time or ask me for tips while I’m wor­king, plus I never say no to a good juice on the bal­co­ny. My girl­friend runs an off-space at night so she knows a lot of people with pro­jects.

The flat is loca­ted and is cen­tral to cafes, res­tau­rants and tren­dy bars that mark near­ly eve­ry cor­ner. I am hap­py to give you more tips on things to do and see here when you arrive ! « Neukölln » is a live­ly neigh­bo­rhood and it is popu­lar with stu­dents, artists, and other people. And frank­ly, who says no to a good old squat par­ty they throw around here ?

You can find theire a lot of bars and res­tau­rants. Good shop­ping pos­si­bi­li­tys are loca­ted in about 5 min by walk from the appar­te­ment. Every cor­ner is mar­ked by a tren­dy bar. There are still some non tren­dy bars, but it is very clear as well when a bar is tren­dy or not. I find it very prac­ti­cal, with my girl­friend.

The space is big enough for two people to spend entire days inside. Its cosy, there is some WLAN and a Sound-System. The time I spend in the apart­ment, I am always up for espres­so and inter­es­ting lit­tle talks. You can go gro­ce­ry shop­ping in all kind of shops and almost 24h per day ; it depends on what you need. If you see some tips in the bathroom don’t be sca­red, I ins­tal­led them myself.

People from a lot of dif­ferent cultu­ral back­grounds live next to each other and create a social and most­ly warm and nice vibe. The vibe can be pret­ty crual in some neigh­bou­ring streets tho, you should’nt go out at night without having asked me for tips. Weather you are a couple, two friends, three chil­dren, four pigs or a single busi­ness tra­vel­ler, the flat is pret­ty much a very good thing to spend day and night.

Have so-cal­led brunch and atmos­phe­ric din­ners in the large eat-in kit­chen. Prepare your own meal in the well-equ­ped kit­chen when you don’t feel like going out. One bedroom has a cosy loft bed where you can sleep into the day if you feel like it, it’s just me on my girl­friend any­way.

If you feel like you want to get ins­pi­red, let your gaze wan­der over the yard and the roof of this typi­cal apart­ment buil­ding. Have cof­fee or a glass of wine on the bal­co­ny soa­king the atmos­phere. My apart­ment’s spe­cial fea­tures and its great loca­tion make it the per­fect home for me, my guests, and the pas­sio­nate tra­ve­lers in gene­ral.

Small and « inde­pen­dant » cafes and res­tau­rants, gal­le­ries but also shops and super­mar­kets just a five minutes walk away. And of course : nice playing courts for the kids. All kind of kids.

The area is full of hip, fan­cy ille­gal clubs, res­tau­rants, bars and cafès where you can enjoy ama­zing break­fast, lunch and delight­full din­ners… inclu­ding beers, wines from around the world as well as tra­di­tio­nal or eth­nic food. It’s all very eth­nic, and I enjoy it, per­son­na­ly with my girl­friend.

In short it’s warm, bright and char­ming, it’s fur­ni­shed, it’s in the pul­sing heart of my favo­rite dis­trict, which is often des­cri­bed by locals as « one of the fas­test deve­lo­ping areas since 2008 ». A bal­co­ny where you can chill. We hope to see you soon.