06 04 15

PAM1352 – The dull EP

Nous avons orga­ni­sé un work­shop avec des enfants et des poli­ciers au cours duquel nous leur avons deman­dé d’é­crire des poèmes selon les contraintes ana­pho­riques mar­quées en gras dans les textes. Voici les poèmes issus de ce work­shop.

We orga­ni­sed a work­shop with kids and police, during which we asked them to write poems accor­ding to ana­pho­ric constraints, which are mar­ked bold in the texts. Here are the poems they came up with.

We hope you enjoy the results of this ins­pi­ring work­shop.
We very much loved the crea­tive approaches and the enthu­siasm of those who took part.