18 05 15


Beaucoup d’ar­deur dans OHNE BZW. MIT, l’ep 19 sur les 52 que nous pro­po­se­rons lors de la Petite Année de la Marchandise, autour de la ques­tion des che­veux dans le pain.

s just 91 Chichester Drs, going wrong ways down the life
(Patrick Tradition)

i have aban­do­ned making sense like a buil­ding with floors / i now only seek satis­fac­tion with
dog / relie­ving itself against sculp­ture / skeezes a small bit of orion from its blatt / and so does
the sculp­ture / which song is for our best friend / my sculp­ture / and my dog / i’ll take it they
say / oui allo / have you done some­thing great / i end up with text in the book / to clear up the
pro­blem of it is going to be a clas­sic / skin the dis­trict / they don’t pay god do they / i hear the
(shriek) machine / inde­pen­dent­ly pro­fes­sing its iden­ti­ty in form of shriek / “ICH WAR EIN
tIGER” / chhc­chhhhhh­chhhhhhh­chhhhhh­chhhh / and i take the liber­ty / since i crea­ted it / to
des­troy / télé­tel nom noms / on voyage dans la mayon­naise / on sort on mère / dans les
vacances do fim de sema­na / viaga­se na mayon­nese / on est joy euchx / aber das K bleibt in
Deutschland / ein aus­ges­pro­chenes /

an alps of meat
cut the silence
put all the conver­sa­tions in a pile
chop & mash
chash & mop
hair keeps the bread baby