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JS : You mean can we take cre­dit for our poems ? Well, is a radio set a crea­tor of the radio pro­gram ?

Q : No. Well, that’s what I mean.

JS : Yeah. But at the same time you don’t get the radio pro­gram if the radio set has sta­tic in it.

Q : Oh no, no. But the poet is an agent then, or…

JS : Well yeah, like a mother is, yeah. But you know, it’s pret­ty hard for a father to have a baby. I mean, good agents are kind of hard to find these days. I don’t real­ly see that it’s any­thing less to be proud of to be a good agent.

« Vancouver lec­tures »
The House That Jack Built : The Collected Lectures of Jack Spicer
Wesleyan University Press 1998
éd. Peter Gizzi