08 04 21

first glass bro­ken on patio no pro­blem
for­got­ten sour cream for vege­tables no pro­blem
Lewis MacAdam’s tough lower jaw no pro­blem
cops arri­ving to watch bel­ly­dan­cer no pro­blem
plas­tic bags of mel­ted ice no pro­blem
wine on antique table­cloth no pro­blem
scrat­chy ste­reo no pro­blem
neigh­bor’s dog no pro­blem
inter­vie­wer from Berkeley Barb no pro­blem
absence of more beer no pro­blem
too lit­tle dope no pro­blem
lee­ring Naropans no pro­blem
ciga­rette butts on the altars no pro­blem
Marilyn vomi­ting in plan­ter box no pro­blem
Phoebe renoun­cing love no pro­blem
Lewis renoun­cing Phoebe no pro­blem
hun­gry ghosts no pro­blem
absence of chil­dren no pro­blem
heat no pro­blem
dark no pro­blem
arni­ca scat­te­red in nylon rug no pro­blem
ashes in bowl of blea­ched bone & Juniper ber­ries no pro­blem
lost Satie tape no pro­blem
loss of tem­per no pro­blem
arro­gance no pro­blem
boxes of emp­ty beer cans & wine bot­tles no pro­blem
thou­sands of sty­ro­foam cups no pro­blem
Gregory Corso no pro­blem
Allen Ginsberg no pro­blem
Diane di Prima no pro­blem
Anne Waldman’s veins no pro­blem
Dick Gallup’s bir­th­day no pro­blem
Joanne Kyger’s peyote & rum no pro­blem
wine no pro­blem
coca-cola no pro­blem
get­ting it on in the wet grass no pro­blem
run­ning out of toi­let paper no pro­blem
deci­ma­tion of pen­ny­royal no pro­blem
des­truc­tion of hair clasp no pro­blem
para­noia no pro­blem
claus­tro­pho­bia no pro­blem
gro­wing up on Brooklyn streets no pro­blem
gro­wing up in Tibet no pro­blem
gro­wing up in Chicano Texas no pro­blem
bel­ly­dan­cing cer­tain­ly no pro­blem
figu­ring it all out no pro­blem
giving it all up no pro­blem
giving it all away no pro­blem
devou­ring eve­ry­thing in sight no pro­blem
what else in Allen’s refri­ge­ra­tor ?
what else in Anne’s cup­board ?
what do you know that you haven’t told me yet ?

no pro­blem. no pro­blem. no pro­blem.

staying ano­ther day no pro­blem
get­ting out of town no pro­blem
tel­ling the truth, almost no pro­blem
easy to stay awake
easy to go to sleep
easy to sing the blues
easy to chant sutras
what’s all the fuss about ?

it decom­poses – no pro­blem
we pack it in boxes – no pro­blem
we swal­low it with water, lock in the trunk

make a quick gate­way     NO PROBLEM

« No Problem Party Poem »
Beat Attitude [1975]