26 08 13

The point about it was, if there wasn’t a god, then people wouldn’t die. I came to that conclu­sion, that the only rea­son people died was because there is a god, and the only rea­son people are suf­fe­ring is because there is a god. The way I look at it, the way people die proves that some­thing is killing them–something super­ior to them always wins. A super­ior force. So death is a god, if nothing else, and all people are sub­ject to it, so dea­th’s their god. They aren’t actual­ly sub­ject to the United States or Russia or any­thing, they’re sub­ject to their god-Death. That’s very obvious. The point is, having rea­ched that point, what to do about it ? If they ever reach that point. Should they be obe­dient to the god Death or should they be rebels ? Because if they’re obe­dient to God and are righ­teous, then the most appro­priate thing to do is to die. Then, when they’re dead, they’re holy and righ­teous.

« Interview with John Sinclair » GUERRILLA
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