17 01 16

Antin, Some Questions about Modernism

Probably this is one of the main rea­sons that 60s moder­nism dis­pen­sed with all notions of “com­po­si­tion, ” because of the dead­ly way in which “arran­ge­ment ” smo­thers any inter­est in the pre­sen­ted object in favor of a banal plea­sure based on recur­rence phe­no­me­na or else treats it to the red car­pet pre­sen­ta­tion of a “lit­tle king.”
They rea­so­ned quite cor­rect­ly that if there are pieces there is arran­ge­ment, and all arran­ge­ments, no mat­ter how “ran­dom,” are appre­hen­ded as some kind of order, because ran­dom­ness is concei­vable but not per­cei­vable. Personally I share this dis­taste for ideas of arran­ge­ment and I don’t think anyone can be very inter­es­ted in doing col­lage work now, main­ly because of the pre­dic­ta­bi­li­ty of its effect.

« Some Questions about Modernism »
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