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I had been wan­ting to keep a jour­nal of one week of living in New York and eve­ry detail of eve­ry­thing that hap­pe­ned at work, home and in the com­mu­ni­ty, to see if recor­ding eve­ry­thing about living in the city would be illu­mi­na­ting fun­ny or use­ful because it would be about money, work, poli­tics and sex.

Everything you or I or any­bo­dy says always seems 100% wrong some­times, unless you keep for­cing it to be clo­ser to the truth, kids have shar­per memo­ries till they learn to use the lan­guage well and then there is always all that pre­va­ri­ca­ting and the lan­guage begins to lie loo­se­ly once more : can I say this ? I got very angry…

« Introduction »
United Artists Books 1984
p. 13–14