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Houses & buil­dings were not just left as they were : all doors are large, none are revol­ving, there are no cage­like places, ele­va­tors are trans­pa­rent, all win­dows can open, places open out onto other places, hall­ways are gene­rous, there is no rent, backyards behind city buil­dings are joi­ned without fences so you could ride a horse behind the streets, some pave­ments have tur­ned back to dirt, there isnt any money, money became so phy­si­cal­ly large that to accu­mu­late five dol­lars it would take a whole old-fashio­ned room full of these big metal things ellip­soid in shape, all the sewage of the world makes fuel plus a gene­rous contri­bu­tion from the stars, the ex-oil com­pa­nies take care of that, we clean the streets, the schools are an essay on schools, you can get what you need from the stores and sto­re­houses, if you act gree­dy no one will look at you, drugs are dis­pen­sed by old people, if you want dope you have to go to the museum, when you die there’s no hos­pi­tal, it’s safe to be born and safe to die at home, there’s no acci­dents, hideous things have cea­sed to befall you, various women and men come to your house when you need them to work against these things, often old people say, “I have never suf­fe­red pain,” old people run the news­pa­pers and sto­re­houses, they meet in conven­tions to plan the free tra­vel­ling all over the world of the 18–25 year-olds in place of the ancient col­leges, they run the nur­se­ry schools, it is to your grea­test disad­van­tage to live in a house without an old per­son, you have no influence then, the whales are far­mers for the humans, we cat their under­wa­ter pota­to baked with a steak of shark & sea­weed salad in America, poets and artists enter­tain the people in the neigh­bo­rhood, there are contests and exchanges with other parts of the world, neigh­bo­rhoods publish books, the prin­ting costs are paid by Ex-Landlords Inc. (Ex-Publishers Inc lost all their money inves­ting in solid-state com­pu­ter sys­tems and are see­king to re-invest in lite­ra­ture), there are still cockroaches in the cities, they live in a museum built on top of the Frick cal­led the Watt on Fifth Avenue (no chil­dren allo­wed) named after for­mer Secretary of the Interior James Watt who had an out-of-the-body expe­rience at the ope­ning and after that he was­ted away in a noi­sy wil­der­ness somew­here, there are no den­tists, den­tists had to admit at last there were herbs that cured too­thaches without any pain at all, for years the den­tists were held in the jails for sadists, now they are relea­sed and live among us, there are still doc­tors whom you never have to wait to see, when patients (the word patients was chan­ged to people, or, col­lo­quial­ly, leeks) go to a doctor’s office (the word office was chan­ged to house) they are given tea and per­haps les­sons and oint­ments, acu­punc­ture is prac­ti­ced to prevent diseases, ope­ra­tions are rare, they are per­for­med in ope­ra­tion cathe­drals, most diseases and chro­nic debi­li­ta­ting disor­ders disap­pea­red after people began to stop being paid sala­ries for their work and the medi­cal pro­fes­sion (the word pro­fes­sion has been chan­ged to chore or ins­pi­ra­tion) became so pre­do­mi­nant­ly female for a while, there was a come­dy show you could still go to for a long time where some man would stick his hand into some part of your body and say, “I’m the doc­tor, I know what’s best for you and my time is pre­cious,” all over the world it was good news to know at last that by gent­ly and aggres­si­ve­ly rub­bing the tip of the penis and the penis all over before what they used to call sexual inter­course with a great big hot sponge soa­ked in honey and kar­kade you have a 100% chance of avoi­ding get­ting pre­gnant, actual­ly the sponge doesnt even have to be hot and it doesnt have to be a sponge, you can do it any way, and when this method of birth control was first dis­co­ve­red it mar­ked the begin­ning of the death of both capi­ta­lism and armies : people all over the world fled from mis­pla­ced tasks, there is no use­less work, nobo­dy has a job contri­bu­ting to the making of money by some­bo­dy else jobs are either in the com­mu­ni­ty or in the world, nobo­dy works to sell things and it didnt take long to find out that with people wor­king at use­ful things all the time to pro­vide them­selves and other people with what they need, and with no mani­pu­la­tions of cur­ren­cies or power or land, there was enough food and shel­ter for eve­ry­bo­dy in the world, though some in the world wound up having fewer of the luxu­ries than they were used to having, crime is fading away, there are still courts and much of what the courts have to do has to do with the rest of crime and the rest of land there is still bad fee­ling about all this sha­ring of pro­per­ty and land, maps have become much more com­plex than they used to be, eve­ry­place is smal­ler and there are more places than before, there is at this moment no lon­ger such a thing (though it is being wor­ked on) as a map of the world, the air is clear, it is gol­den, in sum­mer it is iced, there is a lit­tle store on the ave­nue where you can stop if you want for a draft of elixir, it is gol­den, in sum­mer it is iced, reme­dies become opaque in moon­light if you’re ner­vous, have lost love, there are the mes­me­ric tobac­cos and the aphro­di­siac ones, there are the work tobac­cos, take this if you cant sleep, take this cure for the pains of child­birth, it’s a mix­ture that must be sto­len from a neigh­bor and stand in a glass in the room next to you emit­ting a light of all the colors, go to the store of help to get some, there are the his­to­ries of all the indi­vi­duals of the world, eve­ryone adds to this part of the book.

« The Arrangement : of Houses & Buildings, Birth, Death, Money, Schools, Dentists, Birth Control, Work, Air, Remedies, and so on… »
United Artists Books 1984
p. 27–28