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PAM652 – Gymnastik für alle


Gymnastik für Alle takes its pri­ma­ry mate­rial and its title from a book of exer­cises. The book includes black-and-white illus­tra­tions of people exer­ci­sing, people taking up pos­tures and ges­ti­cu­la­ting in man­ners that will pro­mote their health/their effi­cien­cy at being alive : their beauty/their effi­cien­cy at loo­king plea­su­rable.

Both prin­ciples (beau­ty and health) are part of the pro­ject of buil­ding a good nation, repro­du­cing a good nation with only the neces­sa­ry mate­rial, trans­for­ming the nation into the mate­rial neces­sa­ry for the pro­mo­tion of beau­ty and health, and redu­cing the consump­tion of all sports equip­ment that has no use-value other than its role as gym­nas­tic prop.

The pri­ma­ry Gymnastik, Gymnastik A, deploys
the out­side
the group
and the inside

in a ges­tuaire that only com­mu­ni­cates the desire for the body to be heal­thy and beau­ti­ful. Gymnastik A can only “work” on this to the extent that its ele­ments contra­dict the Standardbewegungen exac­ted from the body the rest of the time. Its ges­tuaire deploys the use­ful objects (“Nutzgegenstände”) – chairs, group, people, out­side, tis­sues, inside, stairs – in a way that spe­ci­fi­cal­ly deviates from the ges­tuaires that rei­gn in the work­place and the domes­tic realm.

Nevertheless, Gymnastik A is defi­ni­te­ly an ele­ment of the main, cen­tral, rei­gning ges­tuaire of social domes­ti­ca­tion.*

Gymnastik A claims that the taking up of deviant pos­tures regar­ding chairs, stairs, the inside, people, tis­sues, the group and the out­side that also pro­mote effi­cien­cy and beau­ty is “aus dem Leben des moder­nen Menschen nicht weg­zu­den­ken”: i.e., Gymnastik A can’t ima­gine modern life without these deviant pos­tures. “Sie erhält und ver­bes­sert die Gesundheit und trägt dazu bei, das phy­sische Alter und damit die Leistungsfähigkeit zu verlän­gern”: i.e., taking up deviant pos­tures and ges­ti­cu­la­ting in man­ners that pro­mote health and beau­ty with tis­sues, the inside, stairs, people, etc, improve the modern person’s health and thus extend its abi­li­ty to achieve goals and lifes­pan.

Thus, Gymnastik A contorts the use­ful deploy­ment of work­place and domes­tic objects (people, the out­side, the inside, and stairs) in order to pro­long the modern person’s pro­duc­tive lifes­pan. Its devia­tion from the rei­gning ges­tuaire of social domes­ti­ca­tion is stan­dar­di­zed with the goal of regu­la­ting the modern person’s death. Thus, Gymnastik A cata­logues, with black and white illus­tra­tions, some ele­ments of the nation’s main, rei­gning death-regu­la­to­ry ges­tuaire, ele­ments that deploy and are sup­por­ted by people, chairs, stairs, tis­sues, the out­side, the group and the inside.

Insofar as time “spent” exer­ci­sing Gymnastik A’s ges­tuaire of stan­dar­di­zed devian­cy increases the pro­duc­tive lifes­pan, a super­fi­cial­ly fri­vo­lous expen­di­ture pays itself off.

Gymnastik A is good for socie­ty.


Taken up as an exer­cise to jog men­tal dis­po­si­tion out of an ataxic state, Gymnastik B (Gymnastik für Alle) employs Gymnastik A’s pos­tures and man­ners to faci­li­tate ver­bal expres­sion. The ver­bal realm of the “per­so­nal” reco­gnizes the ges­tuaire that Gymnastik A illus­trates, but ascribes mea­nings to it that dif­fer from its ori­gi­nal posi­tion as a health-and-beau­ty-pro­mo­ting ele­ment of the main, rei­gning, cen­tral social ges­tuaire.

The ver­bal realm of the « per­so­nal » reco­gnizes the prin­ciples (health and beau­ty) behind Gymnastik A, but, igno­rant as to how to ful­fill them, remains incli­ned to refuse its well-inten­tio­ned encou­ra­ge­ment to do so.

Gymnastik B gene­rates itself by taking up Gymnastik A’s pro­mo­tio­nal pos­tures towards people, tis­sues, the out­side, stairs, etc, into the code of its own inef­fi­cien­cy. This misuse of Gymnastik A is deli­be­rate. B takes up A’s ges­tuaire as a sequence of moti­va­tions to model or tone the ver­bal realm of the “per­so­nal” and the situa­tion in which it finds itself – aiming at faci­li­ty, trap­ped in ataxia.

In gene­ral, Gymnastik B, basing itself on Gymnastik A, aims at ver­bal move­ment. It aspires to solve and move out of the “pro­ble­ma­tic situa­tion”. Gymnastik B aspires to fail on Gymnastik A’s terms. But in aspi­ring to fail Gymnastik A, Gymnastik B can­not not suc­ceed on Gymnastik A’s terms, at the very least, by pro­du­cing. Through Gymnastik B, the ver­bal realm of the « per­so­nal » ends up pain­ful­ly bowing down to the prin­ciples of being effi­cient­ly heal­thy and beau­ti­ful.

Gymnastik B (Gymnastik für Alle) has lit­tle eman­ci­pa­to­ry poten­tial. In its pro­trac­ted efforts to simul­ta­neous­ly contra­dict the prin­ciples of Gymnastik A and the ataxia of the “per­so­nal” ver­bal realm, it must accept the under­lying impor­tance of pro­duc­ti­vi­ty asser­ted by Gymnastik A. It suc­ceeds in contra­dic­ting Gymnastik A not in terms of its desire, but in terms of its result. The result, the pro­duct, Gymnastic B, Gymnastik für Alle, contra­dicts Gymnastik A’s pro­po­si­tion that a modern per­son without deviant pos­tures can­not be ima­gi­ned.