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Moten, The Case of Blackness

It seems to me that this spe­cial ontic-onto­lo­gi­cal fugi­ti­vi­ty of/in the slave is what is revea­led as the neces­sa­ri­ly unac­coun­ted for in Fanon. So that in contra­dis­tinc­tion to Fanon’s pro­test, the pro­blem of the inade­qua­cy of any onto­lo­gy to bla­ck­ness, to that mode of being for which escape or appo­si­tion and not the objec­ti­fying encoun­ter with other­ness is the prime moda­li­ty, must be unders­tood in its rela­tion to the inade­qua­cy of cal­cu­la­tion to being in gene­ral.

« The Case of Blackness »
Criticism n° 50
, , ,
p. 177–218