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The black radi­cal tra­di­tion is in appo­si­tion to enligh­ten­ment. Appositional enligh­ten­ment is remixed, expan­ded, dis­til­led, and radi­cal­ly fai­th­ful to the forces its encoun­ters car­ry, break, and consti­tute. It’s (the effect of) cri­tique or ratio­na­li­za­tion unop­po­sed to the deep reve­la­tion ins­tan­tia­ted by a rup­tu­ring event of dis/appropriation, or the rap­tu­rous advent of an impli­cit but unpre­ce­den­ted free­dom.

« Knowledge of free­dom »
CR : The New Centennial Review n° 4
p. 269–310
apposition appropriation black liberté lumières moten