Robert G.Wallace, MaxAjl ⋅ « The Bright Bulbs » ⋅ repris dans R. G. Wallace, Dead epidemiologists. On the origins of COVID-19, Monthly Review Press, oct. 2020
The bad takes on COVID wend across the political continuum into the more recognizable left. Superficially more grounded anatomies of the crisis have leapt atop the backs of the dead animals and broken landscapes that did indeed help produce the pandemic. But in a classic riding trick, the acrobatics suddenly switches mounts mid-ride to characteristically Eurocentric hobbyhorses from which to herald imperium-old edicts on how to live, eat, and die. Should we eat meat, with source livestock an apparent driver in the emergence of deadly pathogens ? Documentarian Astra Taylor, environmental historian Troy Vettese, and political scientist Jan Dutkiewicz—TVD, for brevity’s…
Robert G.Wallace ⋅ « Midvinter-19 » ⋅ repris dans R. G. Wallace, Dead epidemiologists. On the origins of COVID-19, Monthly Review Press, oct. 2020
In 2011, science journalist Laurie Garrett wrote on the “alarming regularity” of accidents in biosafety labs around the world. The accidents are as much a matter of numbers as any one lab’s poor safety record. A 2013 Princeton University study showed an increasing global population exposed to the risk of accidents from biosafety laboratories pursuing studies of some of the world’s most dangerous diseases. The study, conducted by health geographer Thomas Van Boeckel and colleagues, showed the population living within the commuting field of BSL‑4 labs increased by a factor of four from 1990 to 2012. The fields summed together…
Robert G.Wallace, AlexLiebman, Luis FernandoChaves, RodrickWallace ⋅ « COVID-19 and Circuits of Capital » ⋅ repris dans R. G. Wallace, Dead epidemiologists. On the origins of COVID-19, Monthly Review Press, oct. 2020
To avoid the worst outcomes here on out, disalienation offers the next great human transition : abandoning settler ideologies, reintroducing humanity back into Earth’s cycles of regeneration, and rediscovering our sense of individuation in multitudes beyond capital and the state. However, economism, the belief that all causes are economic alone, will not be liberation enough. Global capitalism is a many-headed hydra, appropriating, internalizing, and ordering multiple layers of social relation. Capitalism operates across complex and interlinked terrains of race, class, and gender in the course of actualizing regional value regimes place to place. At the risk of accepting the precepts of…
Robert G.Wallace, MaxAjl ⋅ « The Bright Bulbs » ⋅ repris dans R. G. Wallace, Dead epidemiologists. On the origins of COVID-19, Monthly Review Press, oct. 2020
The problem is a more general one, beyond this particular terroir. Why are so many figures on the bien pensant Anglophone left adopting anti-ecological politics that advocate technologies that are as inseparable from their funders as the looms were from the mill owners in the age of the Luddites ? Why are these positions serially platformed by allegedly critical podia, time and again, even as their logics are symmetrical to those underlying efforts to force meatpackers back to COVID-infested processing plants, where all that labor is “saved”? There’s a through line from Trump to what counts in much of the Global…
Robert G.Wallace, MaxAjl ⋅ « The Bright Bulbs » ⋅ repris dans R. G. Wallace, Dead epidemiologists. On the origins of COVID-19, Monthly Review Press, oct. 2020
Even before COVID-19 arrived in the United States, it was apparent that in deploying the virus as a propagandistic parry against China, conservatives and liberals alike would make matters worse by imposing an opportunity cost. By crowding the social space with saber-rattling, the United States would fail to take notes about the outbreak and China’s responses pro and con—so as to make adequate and internationally teamed preparations. Certainly it’s a bipartisan miscalculation borne more out of structural decay than mere hubris or bad data, but the problem extends across the sweep of respectable politics. These broader cultural pathologies, entwined into…
Robert G.Wallace ⋅ « Internationalism Must Sweep Away Globalization » ⋅ repris dans R. G. Wallace, Dead epidemiologists. On the origins of COVID-19, Monthly Review Press, oct. 2020
J : There’s been a rumor of a biological trade war between the United States and China. It has gained momentum after disputed social media talks on U.S. patents, articles published in Granma and mutual accusations of the Chinese Foreign Minister and CIA agents against each other. How do you see this circus ? RW : Such utterly unfounded accusations are part and parcel of what I call pandemic theater. The efforts we just talked of to control populations within-country are rivaled only by attempts to pin blame for the present pandemic and its socioeconomic ramifications upon other countries. These are all modern…