I am not inter­es­ted in a her­me­neu­tics, or an ero­tics, or a meta­pho­rics, of my anus. I am inter­es­ted in ass-fucking.

The Argonauts
Graywolf Press 2015

Our last night at the Sheraton, we have din­ner at the astoun­din­gly over­pri­ced “casual Mexican” res­tau­rant on the pre­mises, Dos Caminos. You pass as a guy ; I, as pre­gnant. Our wai­ter cheer­ful­ly tells us about his fami­ly, expresses delight in ours. On the sur­face, it may have see­med as though your body was beco­ming more and more “male,” mine, more and more “female.” But that’s not how it felt on the inside. On the inside, we were two human ani­mals under­going trans­for­ma­tions beside each other, bea­ring each other loose wit­ness. In other words, we were aging.

The Argonauts
Graywolf Press 2015

If you’re loo­king for sexual tid­bits as a female child, and the only ones that present them­selves depict child rape or other vio­la­tions […], then your sexua­li­ty will form around that fact. There is no control group. I don’t even want to talk about “female sexua­li­ty” until there is a control group. And there never will be.

In high school, a wise tea­cher assi­gned the short sto­ry “Wild Swans” by Alice Munro. […] In just a few short pages, Munro lays it all out : how the force of one’s ado­les­cent curio­si­ty and inci­pient lust often must war with the need to pro­tect one­self from dis­gus­ting and wicked vio­la­tors, how plea­sure can coexist with awful degra­da­tion without mea­ning the degra­da­tion was jus­ti­fied or a spe­cies of wish ful­fillment ; how it feels to be both accom­plice and vic­tim ; and how such ambi­va­lences can live on in an adult sexual life.

The Argonauts
Graywolf Press 2015

I mean wri­ting that dra­ma­tizes the ways in which we are for ano­ther or by vir­tue of ano­ther, not in a single ins­tance, but from the start and always.

The Argonauts
Graywolf Press 2015

It’s pain­ful for me that I wrote a whole book cal­ling into ques­tion iden­ti­ty poli­tics, only then to be consti­tu­ted as a token of les­bian iden­ti­ty. Either people didn’t real­ly read the book, or the com­mo­di­fi­ca­tion of iden­ti­ty poli­tics is so strong that wha­te­ver you write, even when it’s expli­cit­ly oppo­sed to that poli­tics, gets taken up by that machi­ne­ry. (Judith Butler)

I think Butler is gene­rous to name the dif­fuse “com­mo­di­fi­ca­tion of iden­ti­ty” as the pro­blem. Less gene­rous­ly, I’d say that the simple fact that she’s a les­bian is so blin­ding for some, that wha­te­ver words come out of her mouth—whatever words come out of the lesbian’s mouth, wha­te­ver ideas spout from her head—certain lis­te­ners hear only one thing : les­bian, les­bian, les­bian. It’s a quick step from there to dis­coun­ting the lesbian—or, for that mat­ter, anyone who refuses to slip quiet­ly into a “post­ra­cial” future that resembles all too clo­se­ly the racist past and present—as iden­ti­ta­rian, when it’s actual­ly the lis­te­ner who can­not get beyond the iden­ti­ty that he has impu­ted to the spea­ker. Calling the spea­ker iden­ti­ta­rian then serves as an effi­cient excuse not to lis­ten to her, in which case the lis­te­ner can resume his role as spea­ker. And then we can scam­per off to yet ano­ther confe­rence with a key­note by Jacques Rancière, Alain Badiou, Slavoj Žižek, at which we can medi­tate on Self and Other, grapple with radi­cal dif­fe­rence, exalt the deci­si­ve­ness of the Two, and shame the unso­phis­ti­ca­ted iden­ti­ta­rians, all at the feet of yet ano­ther great white man pon­ti­fi­ca­ting from the podium, just as we’ve done for cen­tu­ries.

The Argonauts
Graywolf Press 2015